1 00:00:01,240 --> 00:00:03,407 members of the Iowa National Guard are 2 00:00:03,407 --> 00:00:05,407 working with the Iowa Department of 3 00:00:05,407 --> 00:00:07,573 Public Health at a new cove in 19 test 4 00:00:07,573 --> 00:00:09,907 site in Sioux Center , Iowa , this week . 5 00:00:09,907 --> 00:00:12,129 The drive thru test site in the parking 6 00:00:12,129 --> 00:00:14,240 lot of the Sioux Center Middle School 7 00:00:14,240 --> 00:00:16,351 is one of a number of test Iowa sites 8 00:00:16,351 --> 00:00:18,573 in Iowa that has been running since mid 9 00:00:18,573 --> 00:00:20,796 April , a key concern for the test Iowa 10 00:00:20,796 --> 00:00:22,962 initiative . Our communities that have 11 00:00:22,962 --> 00:00:24,962 meat processing plants in the state 12 00:00:24,962 --> 00:00:26,573 that is largely dependent on 13 00:00:26,573 --> 00:00:28,629 agriculture or ag related business , 14 00:00:28,629 --> 00:00:30,629 Iowa National Guard Master Sergeant 15 00:00:30,629 --> 00:00:32,796 Archie Kelly says the number of people 16 00:00:32,796 --> 00:00:35,018 being tested at the test Iowa sites can 17 00:00:35,018 --> 00:00:37,890 vary each day we've seen anywhere from 18 00:00:37,900 --> 00:00:41,170 50 Teoh 200 plus 300 some certain sites . 19 00:00:41,170 --> 00:00:43,920 So it's it's a wide variety . Guard 20 00:00:43,920 --> 00:00:45,976 members at the Sioux Center location 21 00:00:45,976 --> 00:00:48,087 are helping direct people through the 22 00:00:48,087 --> 00:00:50,198 site where medical staff and National 23 00:00:50,198 --> 00:00:52,253 Guard medics are working together to 24 00:00:52,253 --> 00:00:54,364 administer tests . We want to be here 25 00:00:54,364 --> 00:00:56,364 for the people . We want to let him 26 00:00:56,364 --> 00:00:58,587 know that we're here where we hope that 27 00:00:58,587 --> 00:01:00,698 as many people as we can come through 28 00:01:00,698 --> 00:01:02,864 and get tested were trying to get back 29 00:01:02,864 --> 00:01:05,031 toe any sort of normal life as soon as 30 00:01:05,031 --> 00:01:07,253 we can . The distance from Sioux Center 31 00:01:07,253 --> 00:01:09,253 to the Hygienic Lab in Coralville , 32 00:01:09,253 --> 00:01:11,031 Iowa , makes the Northwest Iowa 33 00:01:11,031 --> 00:01:13,253 location the most remote test Iowa site 34 00:01:13,253 --> 00:01:15,476 where testing is being done . Officials 35 00:01:15,476 --> 00:01:17,698 at the Sioux Center sites that National 36 00:01:17,698 --> 00:01:19,809 Guard members plan to provide manning 37 00:01:19,809 --> 00:01:19,670 in Sioux Center until next week , but 38 00:01:19,670 --> 00:01:21,837 add , they are ready to stay longer if 39 00:01:21,837 --> 00:01:23,892 necessary . In Sioux Center , Iowa , 40 00:01:23,892 --> 00:01:25,892 I'm Senior Master Sergeant Vince to 41 00:01:25,892 --> 00:01:25,920 grow .