Chief Master Sergeant Justin R. Odell is the Command Chief at the 185th Air Refueling Wing, Sioux Gateway Airfield, Iowa. In this role, he is the Wing Commanders key enlisted advocate and advisor on all DoD, NGB, state and unit level enlisted policies. He provides general supervision of the assigned ANG enlisted forces and is the functional manager for the wing First Sergeants. Chief Odell develops, participates, and provides guidance in planning, publicizing, and administering ANG enlisted awards and recognition programs at the wing. In addition, Chief Odell Oversees and executes the wing Stripes for Exceptional Performance Program (STEP II).
Chief Master Sergeant Odell enlisted in the Air Force in September 2007. He completed SERE Specialist Training in May of 2008, and since then has held a variety of SERE related positions. During his time on active duty, he has served at the Flight and Squadron levels in various tactical and operational positions during his career within Air Education and Training Command and Air Combat Command. He transitioned to the Air National Guard to start a new SERE program where he acted as a regional SERE trainer for Air Wings throughout the country. Chief Odell eventually moved to the role of Intelligence Superintendent where he supported Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Allies Welcome, and the 24hr Bomber presence in PACOM.
Prior to his current assignment, Chief Odell served as the Senior Enlisted Leader, Operations Group, 185th Air Refueling Wing, Sioux Gateway Airfield, Iowa.
2003 Associate Degree, Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Technology, Hennepin Technical College, Brooklyn Park, MN
2010 Associate Degree, Survival Instructor, Community College of the Air Force
2011 Airman Leadership School, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina
2015 Bachelor of Science, Business Management, Park University, Parkville, Missouri
2016 Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida
2017 Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Non-Residence
2019 Senior Enlisted Joint PME-II, Joint Knowledge Online, Suffolk, Virginia, by correspondence
2021 Reserve Component National Security Course, Fort McNair, Washington D.C.
1. September-October 2007, Student, Basic Military Training, Lackland AFB, Texas
2. October 2007 –June 2008, Student, SERE Specialist Training, 66th Training Squadron, Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington
3. June 2008 –May 2011, SERE Specialist S&E Instructor, 22nd Training Squadron, Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington
4. May 2011–March 2015, SERE Operations Journeyman, 4th Operations Support Squadron, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C.
(July 2012-November 2012, Personnel Recovery NCOIC, HQ Regional Command-South, Kandahar AB, Afghanistan)
5. March 2015–July 2018, SERE Operations NCOIC, 185th Operations Support Squadron, Sioux Gateway Airfield, Iowa
6. July 2018–December 2018, Student, Basic Operations Intelligence Course, 315 Training Squadron, Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas
7. December 2018–July 2023, Intelligence Superintendent, 185th Operations Support Squadron, Sioux Gateway Airfield, Iowa
(August 2019 - September 2019, Intel NCOIC, 506th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam)
(January 2020 - April 2020, Intel NCOIC, 340th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron, Kandahar AB, Afghanistan)
(May 2020 - May 2021, J2 NCOIC, Joint Operations Center, Joint Force Headquarters, Iowa)
(January 2022 - March 2022, Linquist Coordinator, 486th Air Expeditionary Wing, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey
8. July 2023-September 2024, Operations Senior Enlisted Leader, 185th Operations Group, Sioux Gateway Airfield, Iowa
(January 2024 - March 2024, Intel NCOIC, 506th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron, Andersen Air Force Base, Guam)
9. September 2024 - Present, Command Chief, 185th Air Refueling Wing, Sioux Gateway Airfield, Iowa
Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf cluster
Air and Space Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster
Army Commendation Medal
Air and Space Achievement Medal with oak leaf cluster, with "C" device
Army Achievement Medal
2009 Airman Below the Zone, BTZ
2011 4th OSS Airman of the year
2012 Commandant Award, Airman Leadership School
2013 4th Operations Group NCO of Year
2016 Commandant Award, Non-Commissioned Officer Academy
2016 Distinguished Graduate, Non-Commissioned Officer Academy
2022 Nuclear Operational Readiness Inspection Outstanding Performer
2023 Unit Compliance Inspection Team Award
Airman First Class September 11, 2007
Senior Airman July 11, 2009
Staff Sergeant December 1, 2011
Technical Sergeant April 1, 2015
Master Sergeant April 1, 2017
Senior Master Sergeant August 1, 2019
Chief Master Sergeant April 1, 2024
(Current as of September 2024)