Camp Dodge, Johnston, Iowa -- The Iowa National Guard is doing its part to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by providing support to the State Emergency Operations Center, minimizing opportunities for community spread and implementing guidance to protect the health of its service members, civilian employees and families.
Nine Iowa National Guard service members are currently activated to support the State Emergency Operations Center at Joint Forces Headquarters in Johnston, Iowa. As the state’s response to COVID-19 progresses, the Iowa National Guard is prepared to activate additional service members if necessary to support potential missions such as the storage, transportation and delivery of personal protective gear and providing tents to effected communities.
In an effort to protect the health of service members, civilian employees and communities at large, the Iowa National Guard has closed the Iowa Gold Star Military Museum, the Camp Dodge Wellness Center and the USO. All Iowa National Guard armory and facility rentals have been canceled through May 19.
Senior leaders of the organization have made decisions to postpone, cancel or alter upcoming drill and training periods in support of the governor’s directives to avoid large crowds. The Iowa National Guard is also enforcing a Department of Defense-wide travel restriction, which prohibits non-essential travel for service members and federal employees. Additionally, it is implementing telework options to reduce the number of personnel in facilities and relying on mission essential personnel to maintain critical functions and operations.
While balancing force health protection measures and the need to maintain readiness, the Iowa National Guard continues preparing Soldiers for upcoming overseas deployments. Those units identified for mobilization will continue with their scheduled training and pre-deployment activities. Unit commanders have instituted specific screening protocols to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 exposure to these Soldiers as they prepared to deploy overseas later this spring.
We urge our personnel and our communities to follow the Centers for Disease Control’s best practices, remain calm and use good judgement as we all work together to stop the spread of COVID-19.
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For questions concerning this release as well as additional information about the operations, training, and activities of the Iowa Army and Air National Guard, please contact Col. Michael Wunn, Iowa National Guard Public Affairs Officer by email at or 515-252-4582 (office) or 515-971-6385 (cell).