Sioux City, Iowa -- In order to stay qualified and vigilant, the 185th Air Refueling Wing’s Security Forces Squadron is conducting their annual training this week. The team spent the June training weekend at the unit’s firing range where members earned their weapons qualification. The Wing’s Security Forces qualified with their M4 rifles, M18 pistols, M203 grenade launchers and other assigned weapons.
In addition to completing weapons qualification, 185th Security Forces Airmen will conduct various forms of training including combatives, baton training, tactical combat casualty care, civil disturbance, and more.
“For Security Forces we have quite a bit of required annual training we have to accomplish,” said Master Sgt. Micah Larson, the 185th ARW Security Forces Unit Training Manager. “We have got to complete use of force training that is scenario based so our people are able to make good judgment calls when it comes to the use of force.”
According to Larson, the squadron conducts civil disturbance training to remain ready in case of activation for state or national missions.
All of this is not completed on drill weekends but takes effort, time and planning throughout the year.
“We have got full-time staff because we have a 24/7 mission to protect aircraft and installations,” said Larson. “We are required by Air Force Instruction to qualify on all our weapons annually.”
“The primary focus of Security Forces Airmen is to protect,” said Master Sgt. Kraig Fulton, the 185th ARW Assistant Training Manager. “We keep people secure, protect our planes, protect property and protect our personnel.”
Historically Security Forces has deployed Airmen to combat zones or other areas where their expertise and skills are put to good use.
“Everybody gets the same training, the Marine Corps, Army, and Navy,” said Fulton, “we have to be prepared on our end.”