Sioux City, Iowa -- Iowa Air National Guard Lt. Col. Debbie Jacobsmeier was promoted to the rank of Colonel at a promotion ceremony in Sioux City over the December training weekend.
Jacobsmeier took command of the 185th Air Refueling Wing Medical Group last December.
As the Medical Group Commander, Jacobsmeier is the only Group Commander in the Air Refueling Wing who serves as a drill status guard member. Typically, Jacobsmeier serves on drill weekends and periods of annual training each year while also maintaining a civilian career.
When she is not working in Sioux City as the Med Group Commander, Jacobsmeier works full time as a cytotechnologist at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City near where she lives.
As the Medical Group Commander, Jacobsmeier is responsible for the medical reediness of all 185th ARW unit members. The Medical Group Commander also ensures worldwide deployment requirements are met for members of the Medical Group.
Jacobsmeier originally enlisted as a drill status guard member with the 185th in 1987 after graduating from Bishop Heelan High School in Sioux City. She initially worked as a Pharmacy Technician and also in Optometry.
After receiving her undergraduate degree in Zoology from Iowa State University Jacobsmeier earned her commission through Reserve Commissioned Office Training. Jacobsmeier later earned a Master of Business Administration from St. Ambrose University in eastern Iowa.
At the ceremony in December Jacobsmeire expressed appreciation for the time she has spent with the Air Guard unit and for the people who have helped and encouraged her along her career path.