Sioux City, Iowa -- The 185th Air Refueling Wing has selected 2nd Lt. Davis De Jong as the newest Military Equal Opportunity Director.
According to De Jong, taking care of service members is a top priority of the 185th Air Refueling Wing. De Jong explained that the purpose of the Wing’s MEO Director is to assist commanders by promoting a positive human relations environment of both diversity and fairness across the board.
De Jong said he has been with the Air National Guard for 16 years as a Security Forces Airman and Flight Chief and is now excited to be the Director of MEO.
De Jong stated some of the duties of the MEO director included coordinating human relations education, reporting issues to the base commander that could impact mission effectiveness and acting as a mediator between supervisors and their subordinates.
“When someone comes to my office, they can know that it is a safe place and that I am there to help them,” said De Jong.
De Jong believes that the MEO office is a vital program of the Wing, ensuring that everyone is treated equally for the purpose of doing the right thing and following the law and regulations. De Jong added that he enjoyed being able to make a difference and is excited to help keep the 185th a great place to work.
“I am excited to be there for those that need me. I have seen harsh work environments before and it is not good for morale or productivity,” said De Jong.
The MEO office is also looking for an Airman to fill the Senior NCO position. De Jong said that the individual fulfilling the role had to be someone that set a high standard and be a good example for others.
“It is important that they care about the missions. They need to be able to talk to people and have a personality that is also willing to listen objectively to those that come to them,” said De Jong.