Fighting The War Against H1N1

Sioxu City, IOWA -- H1N1 shots have arrived at the 185th Air Refueling Wing. In an effort to protect members from the virus, shots were being given during the January drill.

Lt. Col. Gayl Siegel, 185th Public Health Officer, said, "H1N1 is brand new, unless you have had it this year already, you do not have any immunity to it. This is what makes the H1N1 vaccinations so critical."

Iowa has had a number of H1N1 illnesses this season and has seen similar numbers of cases as other states. Nationally, the cases of H1N1 flu have decreased but a third wave of outbreaks is expected this spring some time.

"We do not know what it will do this spring. The virus could get worse so it is important to get immunized," said Siegel.

If the possibility of getting sick is not enough incentive for members of the 185th, then certainly an order is. According to an email sent by our Wing Commander, Col. Brian Miller on January 9, 2010, the shots are mandatory for all members.

If you missed your shot this drill, you will have another opportunity during the February drill. Siouxland District Health is also offering free shot clinics before then. Members taking shots elsewhere need to ensure they bring proof of the shot to the clinic.

"Although cases in most adults are not severe, it still causes them to be away form work and this impacts the mission," Siegel added.

Members can contact the Public Health Office on base at 233-0515. To find out when the next Siouxland District Health shot clinic is, log on to their website at