

Runners that are a part of the Iowa National Guard Relay Iowa team pose in from the Sergeant Floyd monument in Sioux City, Iowa on June 7, 2019. The Iowa guard team has six members from the Iowa Army National Guard and six from the Air National Guard. Back row: Sergeant Nick Sisler, Brig. Gen. Shawn Ford, Major Randall Stanford, Lt. Col Adam Carlson, Chief Master Sgt. Joe Donovan, Staff Sgt. Eric Peters. Front row: Master Sgt. Deb Verdi, Command Chief Master Sgt. Thomas Fennell, Sergeant Ayrin Hamner, Sergeant Emma Meyer, Brown, Sergeant First Class Brad Mckinney. All of the runners from the Iowa Guard who are involved in the event are volunteering their time in order to participate. U.S. Air National Guard photo by Senior Master Sgt. Vincent De Groot